Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cyborg Booster Pack Now Available

More micro-transactions for City of Heroes, this time it's the release of the Cyborg Booster Pack. Click on the link in the CoX RSS feed at the bottom of this page, or just click here if you're nasty.

My thoughts? The costume pieces could have been better. When I think "cyborg", I think Arnold Schwarzenegger
(yes, I copied that last name from Google lol) in Terminator, with half his face blasted away showing the endoskeleton underneath. Instead we got "Enforcer, part 2". I will say some of the pieces look really good and will combine into costumes very nicely.

The auras are really very good. There's the expected eye-glows, but there's also a real gem: the heads-up display aura. It looks really cool.

The emotes are fairly good, more cute/funny than anything.

The power that comes with the pack is a self-destruct. It's a nuke power that kills you (without debt) when you use it. At level 50 it does only 534 or so points of damage, and with a 10 second activation, you won't be using buildup with it. If you're killing yourself, you should be able to do more damage than that. The animation looks and sounds really great, but I can't imagine in what game conditions you would actually use it. Alas, it's already being used to grief people at the markets.

I really don't like this trend of a subscription based MMO like City of Heroes using both ads and micro-transactions like this, but we'll see what the future brings. If nothing else, we should see some cool new content from the revenue generated by the pack. But is the game doing so poorly that this is how they must pay for adding new content to the game? Or perhaps this is going to allow them to avoid putting out a paid expansion (you'll notice NCSoft doesn't really put paid expansions out)?

I might buy this at some point in the future, for now it's a pass.

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