Wednesday, November 12, 2008

City of Heroes Subscriptions Down

The quarterly report is out and things aren't looking good for City of Heores. The game had 124,939 active subscriptions over the last quarter, down from the previous measure of 137,026. This is the second-lowest popoulation the game has ever had.

Given how long it's been since the last Issue, this isn't terribly surprising. However, if previous trends hold, next quarter will probably be back up to about 140,000 subs.

For those wondering if quitting PvPers are causing this, the answer is "no". It was revealed on the forums by Castle that during the time the "I'm leaving" posts were heaviest, the actual number of account cancellations actually declined. Hardcore Arena PvPers are a tiny, tiny minority in this game. They could all quit and it wouldn't even register. The real culprit, IMHO, is the long lag between Issues, and the fact that CoH is just a very mature MMO that's down to its core audience at this point.

Read Leandro's report to the forums.
Get the quarterly report.

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